Full immersion of Anterior zone - direct approach to Veneers to Direct Injection Techniques by Dr Roberto Turrini & Dr Daniele Gensini
Ancora Imparo Training Centre, KL Trillion Office, Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Presenters
The Flowable Injection Technique is a valid therapeutic option which allows the clinician to restore lost dental shapes and volumes. This technique relies on the physical and mechanical features of the latest generation of flowable composites: the material is injected through a transparent silicone tray in order to perform direct composite restorations with a mid- or long-term duration. It is thus possible for the dentist to quickly and easily restore the desired contour and shape, by copying the volumes and details of the wax-up - created by the technician on the model - directly into the final composite restoration.
During this course, the speakers will provide all indications for the use of this technique, as well as all the necessary information about pros and cons, step-by-step procedure for the creation of a mask, suggested materials, adhesive procedures and field preparation, clinical injection procedures, finishing, polishing and corrections.
The hands-on session will give the chance to the participants to perform the injection technique on the 4 anterior teeth on dental models. Moreover, they will practice the operative field preparation, the adhesive procedures, the flowable composite injection by using a transparent silicone tray, and all the steps for the finishing and polishing of the restored teeth.
Day 1: Direct Anteriors
The use of composite direct restorations in the anterior area is a valid treatment option and alternative to improve esthetics, function and biology. Modern materials, together with valid bonding systems, allow the clinicians to perform well integrated, esthetic results that mimic the optic and physical behavior of the natural dentition. Any aspect of the decision-making process and operative procedures will be covered to allow the participants to realize high-impact direct composite restorations.
• Optical properties and characteristics of anterior anatomy and composite systems.
• Direct vs Indirect anterior restorations: case selection and techniques.
• Essential instruments and matrices for anterior region including rubber dam isolation.
• Step-by-step procedure: preparation, adhesion, layering technique, stains and polishing.
• Direct therapies in non-vital discolored teeth.
The participants will realize a correct isolation on the models using rubber dam; then they will create a IV class direct restoration on the same model. Then, the participants will build up of a central incisor entirely in composite, using a silicon matrix, given by the organizers.
Day2: Veneers
The use of all-ceramic veneers represents a valid alternative to complete crown restorations. The minimally invasive tooth preparation procedure allows the maximum preservation of health tooth structure thus guaranteeing vitality and higher overall resistance of restoration also thanks to the undeniable advantages offered by the adhesive cementation technique. Nowadays a new clinical approach based on an innovative minimally invasive prosthetic procedure (MIPP) also applicable to full crown restorations allows preservation of vitality and tooth structure.The availability of a wide range of ceramic material permits the achievement of excellent, long lasting esthetic results mixed rehabilitation on implants.This prosthetic treatment workflow starts with an esthetic and functional plan which allows an ideal integration of esthetics, biological and functional requirements. Classical and new digital trends will be analyzed in depth in order to reach the final goal.
• Esthetic and functional analysis.
• Introduction to Getapp (Guided Esthetic Treatment application by Fradeani Education)
• Ideal dental composite, mock up materials and techniques
• Principles of tooth preparation: Minimally invasive tooth preparation (MIPP), No-prep veneers a myth or reality
• Communication to the lab: Colour matching, impression materials and its technique, classical vs digital impression
• Provisional materials and technique, selection of ceramic systems
• Discolored anterior teeth management: Bleach and Prosth workflow procedures
• Lab procedures: step-by-step techniques for different materials
• New trends in prosthetic adhesive dentistry: Basics of adhesion, selection of cements and its steps
• Occlusion check, preventing common mistakes and failures, maintenance of indirect anterior restorations
• Complex treatment plans using MIPP (Minimally Invasive Prosthetic Procedures), worn dentition management
• Mixed rehabilitations: teeth and implants
The participants will create and customize a silicon index designed for the mock up and different silicons for preparation checking and measurements.They will also perform different preparation designs (contact point maintained and not maintained, chamfer, butt-joint...) and will print and finish the mock-up to be used as temporary restorations following the 6-anterior ideal dental composition.
Day 3: Injection Technique
The use of composite direct restorations in the anterior area is a valid treatment option and alternative to improve esthetics, function and biology. Modern materials, together with valid bonding systems, allow the clinicians to perform well integrated, esthetic results that mimic the optic and physical behavior of the natural dentition. Any aspect of the decision-making process and operative procedures will be covered to allow the partici- pants to realize high-impact direct composite restorations.
• Presentation of various cases treated with the use of a flowable composite injection template
• Indications for the use of this technique - pros and cons
• Step-by-step procedure for the fabrication of the mask
• Materials to use
• Adhesive procedures and field preparation
• Clinical injection procedures • Finishing, polishing and corrections
The participants will inject 4 anterior teeth on a special model. They will prepare the operative field, make the adhesive procedures, perform the injection of the flowable composite with a transparent silicone tray and all the steps of finishing and polishing of the restored teeth.