
29 March 2020 Presenters


This workshop aims to help general dental practitioners perform surgical removal of impacted third molars more Swiftly, Smoothly and Safely under local anaesthesia (3S Concept).

This is achieved by a series of comprehensive lectures that will enhance theoretical knowledge essential in wisdom tooth surgery. Clinical hands-on experience is provided through practice on customized impacted tooth-jaw model with close mentor supervision and from watching a Live demo surgery on an actual patient. Tips from years of training and experience will also be shared to improve your competence and confidence in performing complex impacted third molar surgeries according to established standards of care at your own dental practice. 


* With Live Surgery

The following key topics will be presented and discussed.

1. Patient Evaluation

  • Relevant medical history
  • Assessment and classification of impacted third molar tooth
  • Indication for surgical removal

2. Radiographic Examination. Important radiographic signs to note in:

  • Intra-oral periapical (IOPA)
  • Panoramic radiograph (OPG)
  • Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)

3. Informed Consent

  • Managing patient expectations post surgery
  • Risks and complications of surgery

4. Preoperative Pharmacotherapy

  • Pre-emptive analgesia
  • Antibiotic prophylaxis

5. Equipment and Armamentarium

  • Comprehensive & customised instruments list
  • Key infection control measures
  • Method of preparing, cleaning and draping of patient for surgery

6. Anaesthesia Options

  • Various local anaesthesia techniques and their indications
  • The role of Nitrous oxide / Intravenous sedation

7. Surgical Removal of Impacted Tooth

  • Flap design: Considerations and their management
  • Guttering of bone and sectioning of tooth techniques
  • Suture type and wound closure techniques

8. Postoperative Care

  • Instructions to patient
  • Pharmacotherapy
  • Follow-up appointment protocol

9. Management of Complications

  • Key intraoperative difficulties
  • Postoperative (early & late onset) issues

10. Hands-On Practice on Impacted Tooth-Jaw Model