
26 November 2016 Presenters


GBR For Verticle Ridge Augmentation by Dr. Fabrice Chérel (7 pm - 8:30 pm)

In GBR procedures for vertical ridge augmentation the complication reported is membrane exposure and device infection, which may significantly jeopardize the final augmentation outcome. Sites with membrane exposure has six-fold less bone gain when compared to the sites without exposure. Likewise, a wide range of complication rates have been reported in the literature. In this regard, soft tissue management then has become essential since it is the way to achieve primary wound closure and fulfill the main principle for successful GBR. With our experience, we have been able to reduce significantly the number of complications.

However, the local co-founding factors such as location, morphology or biomaterials that influence the outcome remain to be determined.

During this presentation, guidelines such as adequate and smooth soft tissue management in combination to suitable biomaterial selection (i.e. type of membrane and bone graft) will demonstrate the high long-term survival rate and minimal peri-implant bone changes. It is important to highlight that these procedures do require significant clinical expertise in order to avoid surgical complications and to obtain successful results.

The Harvesting of Subepithelial Connective Tissue Graft for Periodontal Plastic Surgery: Technique and Location by Dr. Sebestian Moreaux (8:30 pm - 9 pm)

The main applications of periodontal plastic surgery encompass the treatment of recession at teeth and soft tissue deficiencies at implant sites, and the soft tissue ridge augmentation associated with implants or fixed dental prosthesis. Many different surgical procedures exist, from advanced flap to tunnels, and most of them include the use of a subepithelial connective graft to promote an increase in the width of keratinized tissue and the soft tissue volume. In this talk, we will explore the different locations to harvest autologous subepithelial connective tissue graft, from the anterior palate to the retro-molar tuberosity.