
02 November 2018 - 03 November 2018 Presenters


From Diagnosis to Delivery – Helping you make the right Restorative decisions

Synopsis of Course

Lack of control is what most dentists experience when asked to treat the patient with worn teeth. This lecture/workshop is designed to help you enjoy increased predictability and longevity in your dentistry by basing treatment decisions on how the patient created the wear, and reducing the energy in the system through occlusal design. The lecture/workshop focuses on diagnosis, etiology, and an understanding of the principles that increase longevity of restorations for wear patients. Discussions and demonstrations are blended with a hands on experience on Day 2.

Learning Objectives

  • To diagnose and treatment plan wear patients, including etiologies of wear, patterns of wear and determining when interdisciplinary treatment is required
  • To design the occlusion best suited to what a patient does with their teeth
  • To manage esthetic outcomes based on how tooth position, gingival levels and occlusion change as teeth wear
  • A thorough understanding of vertical dimension, and when and how to change it
  • Differences between multiple interdisciplinary treatment options
  • How to verify diagnosis and treatment plan through appliance therapy, direct composites and provisionals to optimize predictability
  • Which records to take and which materials to use
  • How to treatment plan occlusion that creates the greatest chance of success
  • Adhesive rehabilitation of the worn dentition
  • Classic rehabilitation of the worn dentition
  • Treatment of localized wear – Dahl principle
  • Digital diagnosis and scanning
  • Use of veneers on worn teeth – preparation, provisionalization and bonding

Hands on Workshop

  • Preparation and provisionalisation of 10 maxillary teeth using adhesive techniques combination of veneers and Onlays
  • Preparation and provisionalisation of 10 maxillary teeth using conventional techniques . All ceramic crowns
  • Diagnostic mock ups
  • Digital scanning and milling