Management of Dental Emergencies And Dental Injuries For Children

Dental emergencies and dental injuries are distressing for both children and parents, however, they are extremely common. About 25 - 30% of children have experienced some type of dental injury or dental emergency. It often becomes a challenge to the clinicians due to the psychological impact of emergency situation itself. Knowing what to do and the way you react can make a difference between saving and harming their smile and their health.

The course will cover:

  • Awareness and knowledge of dental emergencies and dental injuries for children in your practice.
  • Emergency management of dental pain / dental infection (swelling).
  • Common soft tissue lesions and management.
  • Diagnosis and emergency management of dental injuries in early mixed dentition.
    • Crown Fracture
    • Intrusion
    • Luxation / Avulsion

Workshop: Dental Splinting

Avulsion of permanent anterior tooth is one of the most serious dental injuries. A prompt and correct emergency management is very important for the prognosis. Replantation of the avulsed tooth and a proper splinting is one crucial step that can be improved by proper skill practice.

Learning Objectives:

  • To put into practice on knowledge of tooth avulsion management.
  • To improve clinical skills on resin and wire splint of avulsed anterior tooth. To be able to manage avulsion cases with confidence.