Management of a Worn Dentition: Simplifying the Complexity


30 July 2022
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM UTC +08:00


The management and reconstruction of a worn dentition can be one of the more complex prosthodontics procedures. This webinar will aim to simplify the diagnosis and treatment planning for worn dentition cases — in addition to providing an overview of recent technologies and workflows to complete full mouth rehabilitations predictably and efficiently.

Dr. Edher is the Founder of one of Canada’s largest study clubs, the BC Dental Study. He is the Director of the Digital Dentistry Institute, a global educational organization that conducts comprehensive training programs in digital dentistry and implant dentistry. He regularly gives presentations, seminars, and workshops, both locally and globally, on a range of different topics. These topics include generalized and specialized presentations focusing on digital dentistry, implant dentistry, treatment planning, and aesthetic rehabilitation.