
Implementing A Risk Assessment Strategy In Clinical Practice: Emphasis on Occlusion - Dr. John Kois

The fundamental rationale for a comprehensive treatment approach is a long-term strategy for dental health commensurate with an enhanced level of wellness for our patients. Understanding parameters of disease expression is sometimes confused because of misguided science or parameters that have led to patient adaptation. Formulating specific treatment needs based on an individual’s risk assessment has created new challenges for both the dentist and the patient. Until we have more objective data with better metrics, much of our clinical decision making will remain emotionally driven and empirical.

For example, our knowledge about occlusion has been based on gnathologic principles. These concepts are the basis of a mechanical system with focus on posterior determinants and mutual protection. If it is that simple, why can’t we predict when or why occlusal pathology develops or why can’t we always create a therapeutic occlusion? This program will focus on biologic principles necessary for developing a functional occlusion. New paradigms will be presented to enlighten participants about understanding occlusal problems.

Learning objectives:

A systematic approach for treatment planning every patient in their practice.

To focus on the four most important diagnostic categories.

Understanding the difference between occlusal disease and functional adaptation.

To develop critical risk parameters to minimize failures and maximize successful results.

Protocols to implement treatment planning strategies.

New Perspectives on Vertical and Horizontal Augmentation - Dr. Istvan Urban

Vertical and horizontal augmentation presents one of the greatest challenges of bone regeneration in implant dentistry. This is primarily due to the difficulty of the surgical procedure and its potential complications. Patient selection, patient preparation for surgery, precise surgical techniques and postoperative management are the key factors in reducing the rate of bone graft complications.

To predictably achieve successful bone augmentation angiogenesis, clot stability and space maintenance should be employed.

Another important factor is flap closure during bone augmentation. The key to achieving wound closure is not only the clinician’s ability in obtaining tension free release flap but also good soft tissue quality and quantity. In an attempt to achieve wound closure and hence graft stability, the buccal mucosa are often broadly released, and this often results in a severe apical translocation of the mucogingival line, loss of vestibule and keratinized mucosa (KM).

Recent research on vertical and horizontal ridge augmentation as well as soft tissue reconstruction will be presented.

Utilizing these procedures may lessen the need of harvested autogenous bone and may generally lead to decreased morbidity and therefore increased patient comfort and satisfaction associated with these regenerative procedures.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand the biology of the incorporation of the bone graft.
  • Understand the surgical anatomy of the floor of the mouth
  • Learn the surgical principles of ridge augmentation surgery
  • Learn the surgical principles of the reconstruction of the vestibule and keratinized tissue after ridge augmentation.

Optimizing Peri-Implant Esthetics: Ortho-Perio-Restorative Connection - Dr. Joseph Kan

Achieving anterior implant esthetics is a challenging and demanding procedure. To create implant restorations with harmonious gingival contour that emulate nature is a fusion of science and art. Understanding the biologic and physiologic limitations of the soft and hard tissue will facilitate predictability in simple to complex esthetic situations.

This presentation encompasses the Science, Art and Limitations of Orthodontics, Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry on esthetic implant reconstruction. Current implant treatment philosophies and methodologies for replacing currently missing teeth and the management of patients who will be losing a tooth or teeth in the esthetic zone will be discussed. Emphasis will be placed on diagnosis and treatment planning, surgical and prosthetic management of soft and hard tissue for optimal anterior implant esthetics.

Leaning Objectives

  • Interdisciplinary Diagnosis & Treatment from single to multiple teeth replacement in the esthetic zone.
  • Identify prognostic variables for predictable implant esthetics
  • Implant papilla management
  • Immediate tooth replacement: IS it a viable procedure?
  • Myth & reality of prosthetic emergency profile
  • Current concepts on flap & incision designs
  • Bone and gingival grafts: What is possible, what is not possible?
  • Orthodontics site development: What we know, what we do not know?
  • Complications management