Dr. Daniele Gensini graduated cum laude in Dentistry at the University of Siena in 2004. He has attended several courses in Italy and abroad on Prosthodontics, Periodontics, Implantology and Esthetic Dentistry, among those Dr. Mauro Fradeani’s 1-year Master in Prosthodontics, Dr. Roberto Pontoriero’s 2-year Master in Periodontics and 2-year Master in Advanced Periodontics, Dr. Mario Molina’s 1-year Master in Gnathology and Dr. Stefano Gori’s 2-year Master in Implant Dentistry.
He is an Active member of the Italian Society of Conservative Dentistry and he lectures nationally and internationally - as a Team Member of the group Fradeani Education - on topics related to restorative and esthetic dentistry.
He runs a private practice in Rome, dedicating his clinical activity to prosthetic rehabilitation on natural teeth and implants, implantology, periodontics and esthetic dentistry with direct and indirect approach.